Lust for Love

Lust for Love is a 2014 independent romantic comedy film written and directed by Anton King. The narrative follows the story of Astor Fran Kranz as he attempts to win back his childhood dreamgirl Mila Beau Garrett after a short courtship precipitated by a drunken rescue by seeking the advice of her former best friend Cali Dichen Lachman.

WriterDirector Anton King had made a short film entitled Lust for Love which played at the Melbourne Underground Film Festival. Being fond of the title, he decided to reuse it for his first feature film.In order to produce the film, the creative team turned to crowdsourced funding via Kickstarter. The funding period ran from October 12, 2011 to November 10, 2011 with a goal of 70,000. Ultimately 101,030 was pledged by Kickstarter backers. The crowdsourced funds were depleted just before the end of principal photography, and the production team made up the deficit. ........

Source: Wikipedia